Monday, January 5, 2009

Faithful or Fickle

Focus verses: Genesis 12:10 through 13:4.

Abram, what a guy! He's just like you and me. He has his good days and his bad ones.

He has the call of God upon his life. In faith, he steps out to follow God wherever God may lead. a man of great faith.

Then there's a famine in the land, and he runs to Egypt for food. Somehow, he must think that God's protection stops at the Egyptian border because he asks his wife to say she is his sister, a half-truth.

Remember, a half truth is a whole lie. And deceit is not a virtue or the act of a faithful person.

But God steps in, I think more to protect Saria than to redeem Abrams lie. And Abram is found out. He leaves Egypt in disgrace.

After wandering for a while, he returns to the place where he first built an altar to the Lord. And he he "called upon the name of the Lord" once again. I take this to mean a rededication to his faith in God.

Isn't that great? God lets us fail and come back to Him. Other than his shameful exodus from Egypt, there seems to have been no heavenly retribution for Abram's fickleness in Egypt.

Father, God,

Thank you for loving us enough to let us fail and come back to Your heart for forgiveness and grace.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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