Friday, October 9, 2009

Division Of Labor

Focus verses: Nehemiah 3:1-32

Rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem took great courage, fortitude and determination. The enemies of the Israelites tried to discourage them with ridicule and taunts. When that didn't work, they plotted a direct attack. The work was divided into those who built and those who guarded. But every man wore his weapon - working or guarding.

When we are under attack, we need to have a dual role - growing and guarding. We need to grow closer to God, but we also need to be aware of the enemy and his attacks to be able to fend them off.

During the rebuilding, various clans took different parts of the wall to build between the gates. Each family worked on its own section. They didn't hop from place to place, each trying to build on all the sections of the wall.

So we, as members of Christ's body, the church, must each do our own job. We have a function that was designed by God and assigned by God. We cannot be all things to all people in all times. We must rather find our gift and use it for God's glory in the service of His kingdom.

But as we use our gifts for God's kingdom, we must be vigilant and ready to engage the enemy.

Father, God,

Help us to maintain the correct balance between vigilance and paranoia. Let us be aware of the enemy and his wiles, but never fearful. Our confidence is in You. Show us our place on the wall and grant us favor as we build.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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