2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (KJV)
In the original language, the phrase "without form, and void" can be interpreted as desolate and chaotic. Gratefully I remember this formless void when my world seems too chaotic to bear.
Hope is born of the prospect that even in chaos, God sees order. Therefore, He can help me to bring order and serenity into my life. How?
The indwelling Holy Spirit can enlighten me. In some circles this is known as "discernment." It is the result of being sensitive to the presence of God in our everyday mundanities. While we are washing the dishes or scrubbing the toilet, God is as near as our next breath. As much as if we were in meditation and prayer.
If we maintain a sense of His presence, we can be "walking with God," as the scripture says.
Whatever happens in the world around us, God is the source of our order and serenity. Staying close to Him brings us peace.
Father, God, help me to silence the cacophony of the everyday in order to listen to the blessed serenity of your eternity. In Jesus' most precious name.
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