Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Only Perfection

Focus verses: Psalm 119: 89-104

Today's reading is the single Psalm 119. It is an acrostic psalm, each verse beginning with a diffrent letter of the Hebrew alphabet in order. This may have been done as a memorization device.

I particularly like the thirteenth stanza. It begins with the Hebrew letter Mem. On the website named Hebrew for Christians, I learned that this thirteen letter of the Hebrew alphabet and signifies... Well, you can look it up for yourself in the link.

To all perfection I see a limit; but your commands are boundless. We can try for perfection, and perhaps even succeed in small areas. But the totality of our lives is quite different. We have all sinned and fallen short. Perfection seems totally out of reach.

Ah, but learning the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night, tasting the sweetness of obedience to God's law. These lead us closer to perfection.

Our daily goal should be to come closer and closer to perfection. We'll never attain to it completely. But it is better to aim for perfection and fall short than to simply allow sin to rule in our lives.

Father, God,

You are the only perfection in all creation. Draw us ever closer to You by settling your laws in our hearts and helping us to come closer and closer to keeping them all. We would be as much like you as possible. Let our lives reflect you in all we do and say.
In Jesus' most precious name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the link ( your readers can look up the meaning of mem for themselves and in so doing stumble upon other interesting things.