Saturday, October 31, 2009

Prince Of Peace

Focus verses: Matthew 10:34-39

Jesus has been called the Prince of Peace. But in this passage, He tells the disciples that peace is not His object here. He has been called to bring salvation to those of this world who will listen to His teaching and accept His gift.

To this day, there is dissension between the followers of Christ and the society of the world. Those who don't know Jesus and His Word have a totally different standard of behavior.

Even now, there are efforts to silence the followers of Christ. We have petty government officials who believe that you cannot display a nativity scene on public property during the Christmas season. In some schools, teachers will not let students write or speak about anything to do with Christianity.

The children of Arizona are being allowed to decorate ornaments for the White House Christmas Tree this year because the blue spruce is coming from Arizona. But the Forest Service banned the inclusion of any references to Jesus or the religious roots of this commemoration.

This ban was lifted when the Alliance Defense Fund wrote a letter objecting to this restriction. The explanation of the ban is a bit murky and suspect in my opinion. If, however, you read the entire article in this link, you will find that this isn't and hasn't been the only effort to silence the voice of Christians.

The words of Micah are applicable to this day. The Christian is under attack from many directions. But the words of Jesus to His apostles are applicable for us. We are to be wise to the ways of the world without subscribing to them.

Like walking a tightrope, it will require balance and training. The Word of God will be our balancing pole, and our daily discipline in the Word is our practice.

Father, God,

Give us the wisdom and courage to speak when we see the Word of God being oppressed and muzzled. Put Your words in our mouths as we practice our obedience to You. Let our words be light to this darkened world.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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