Happy New Year!
The beginning of a new year is an opportunity to start anew. We make resolutions - some of which are very short lived. We begin self-improvement projects. We have high hopes for a future.
But the first verse of our reading says "In the beginning God..."
We would do well to consult God before we begin anything. Only those things which have His approval will prosper in this new year. Only the plans we make that fall into line with His will succeed.
God is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega.
This week I want to challenge you. Before you start your day, ask God what He wants of you. And when you end your day, take stock of how well you have fulfilled His plans.
Keep a journal. Each morning write what you hear Him say to you. And each evening, write what you have done. Do that faithfully - for just this week.
And let me know how it goes for you.
Grace, peace, and blessings in this new year.
Father, God,
Your are our beginning and our end. Help us to be swift to hear Your plans for us and eager to fulfill them. Keep us attuned to Your voice, always.
In Jesus' most precious name.
Just a reminder, we will be posting only once a week this year. And we will try to give you a spiritual exercise or challenge each week. Check back on Friday, January 8, 2010.
Praying you have a wonderfully blessed New Year! May GOD bless and use you like never before!
Thank you, Andrea. I echo that wish for you as well.
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