We've all heard the phrase, if you are going to talk the talk, you'd better be ready to walk the walk. Your walk must match your talk. That's part of the definition of integrity.
We can read through all of the story of the flood and it's aftermath. Nowhere does it say Noah spoke to anyone about God and His plans.
But in Second Peter, the scripture calls Noah "a preacher of righteousness." Implicit in walking with God is the idea of speaking of God. When you have a good friend, you quote that friend in your conversation with others. You share that friend's thoughts (the public ones) with people around you because you found value in those thoughts.
How much more should we who claim Christ be willing to share the thoughts of the Lord with those around us. You don't need to have a church or mission to be a preacher of righteousness.
You preach by example as well as by word. If your daily life reflects your walk with God, you are a preacher. Your words may be simple and few, but you are still preaching. Or you may be loquacious and talking all the time. In which case, your walk should reflect what you are saying.
If we would reflect the light of Christ to a hurting world, we need to keep ourselves close to Him, walking with Him, listening to Him, so that what we do and say exemplifies what He would have us be.
Father, God,
Help us to stay focused on Your will in our lives. Keep us faithful to the task You have set before us. Strengthen us to be people of integrity, reflecting You to all the world around us.
In Jesus' most precious name.
Thanks for stopping by.
Grace and peace,
AMEN! We definitely need to reflect the light of Christ to this world.
Blessings, andrea
As usual, you are so right on with this.
I enjoyed looking over your blog.
You are more than welcome to visit my mine.
God Bless You, Ron
ronj1946 at gmail dot com
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