Monday, July 6, 2009

True Security

Focus verses: Isaiah 26:1-13

Today's reading is rich with promise.

Isaiah talks about the promise of the Lord for perfect peace. It is a verse I memorized in the King James version: "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee." (v.3)

In this world, the only thing that isn't transient is the Lord. Only He is permanent. Everything else will change or move or evaporate, but He is firm and sure and unchanging.

The basis for our security is to learn to walk in His ways, to set our hearts on Him, to put His name and reputation above our own. When we carry the title Christian, we are His representatives to those who have not yet learned of Him.

It has been said that there are five gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Christians. Most people will only read the fifth gospel. The world will judge our God by our actions. Even though the Bible is the most purchased book of all time, it is also the most neglected and dusty.

People who do not read the Bible will judge our God by our actions. What a terrible, awesome thought!

Father, God,

Help us to walk in Your ways and set our hearts upon You first and foremost. Grant that we may be ever mindful of being Your ambassadors to a hurting world. Keep us from misrepresenting You in word or deed.
In Jesus' most precious name.

PS. Happy Birthday, Sally!

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