Friday, January 30, 2009


Focus verses: Exodus 30:11-16

Today's reading is full of particulars. Specific and detailed instructions for the ordination of the priests, the preparation and consummation of the sacrifices, the recipe for the exclusive anointing oil, and the requirements of the census offering.

The census offering?! Do I hear an echo? Something in the second chapter of Luke about a registration and tax of the Roman world. We don't know what tax Joseph paid in the city of David.

But we do know the tax paid by the Israelites. It was half a shekel each as a ransom for his life. Exactly half a shekel. The poor man could pay no less. The rich man could pay no more. The ransom was the same regardless of the person who paid.

God values each person equal to all the rest. Each one is precious in His sight.

In fact, if you check out the 17th chapter of John, Jesus says God loves each of us just as He oves Jesus. An awesome, humbling, thrilling thought.

Uh-oh! That mean He loves the guy down the street the I don't much care for just as much as He loves me.

In God's eyes each person is equally as precious as the next. Each is ransomed, not by half a shekel, but by the blood of Christ.

Father, God,

Help us to remember that You love everyone equally. And help us to follow Your lead in love.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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