Thursday, January 22, 2009


Focus verses: Exodus 2:11-15

God has had His hand on Moses since birth. Burn under a sentence of death, he was hidden in the reeds and found by Pharoah's daughter. She reared him in the house of Pharoah with the intent of making him Pharoah's heir.

Moses evidently had some knowledge of his roots because he identified with the Hebrews. But his position as Pharoah's adopted grandson gave him some legal clout. When he saw the Egyption beating the Hebrew, he could have intervened as the Egyptian's superior. However, he murdered the man surreptitiously and concealed the deed.

But murder will out. When he tried to intervene between the two Hebrews, they asked if he would do to them as he did to the Egyptian. He was reduced to fleeing into the wilderness.

No matter where we are nor how secret we believe our steps, God knows what we are doing and why. Moses could run away from Pharoah but he could not run away from God.

Neither can we. God has had His hand on our lives since we were born, also. And He has plans for our lives. We can fail to listen. We can run away. But we can have no secrets from God.

Father, God,

Help us to be ever mindful of your hand upon our lives. Teach us to recognize your presence - even without a burning bush.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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