Solomon's wisdom is summed up in these two verses. He has gone through it all. Pleasure, pain, work, leisure, poverty, wealth. He has seen it all and done it all. And he comes to this conclusion.
Now all has been heard,
here is the conclusion of the matter.
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
whether it is good or evil.
here is the conclusion of the matter.
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
whether it is good or evil.
Nothing has value except for the eternal. Your obedience to God is your ultimate service and the only thing that will matter in the end. Anything else is just smoke in the wind.
We have daily duties without eternal value, the mundanities of tending the physical realm around us. Meals must be prepared, dishes done, laundry tended, lawns mowed, carpets vacuumed. We could go on and on. But these items are not to consume us.
Fearing God and keeping his commandments should be the substance of our days. That is all that will make a difference in the end.
Father, God,
Keep us ever mindful that You are the focus of our lives. Help us to remain undistracted by the everyday and to focus on You as the center of our lives.
In Jesus' most precious name.
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Judith, this is good information, as I've been struggling lately with my career so much that I've certainly taken my eyes of God and serving him. Keep up the good work! Wayne
I'm glad this helped. Thank you for letting me know.
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