Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fallen Away

Focus verses: II Kings 21:2-16

Today's reading shows us two things. Manasseh was the son of Hezekiah. Hezekiah's reign in Judah was one of spiritual renewal. But Hezekiah died when Manasseh was only twelve years old, so Manasseh didn't have the maturity in the Lord to keep the faith that his father had passed on.

We are not told whether Manasseh had bad advisors, or whether his mother, Hephzibah, could have influenced his waywardness, but he fell back into idolatry and pagan worship.

God has no grandchildren. Each must come to God of his own free will. It is a unique relationship. It makes no difference if your father was a priest or a pagan. It isn't important whether your mother was a servant of God or a princess of Baal.

The relationship with God is unique to each person. Just as a parent loves each of his children differently, God loves each of us differently -- not less nor more -- but taking into consideration the uniqueness of the relationship with each child. Each of us must come to the knowledge of God on his/her own.

The second thing we learn is that the consequences of infidelity are the same from generation to generation. A return to idolatry and pagan worship will be rewarded with destruction.

Father, God,

Help us to appreciate the uniqueness of our relationship with you. Teach us Your ways so that we can impart them to our children and lead them to the knowledge and worship of You.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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