Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our Compassionate God

Focus verses: II Chronicles 30:1-9

King Hezekiah returned Judah to the worship of the Lord. He had the Levites purify the Temple, and he invited the northern tribes to a Passover feast. While most did not participate, a few did.

The invitation that went out said "return to the Lord, The of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, the He may return to you who are left." And it ended with "the Lord your God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from you if you return to Him."

Hezekiah knew the Lord well. He did what was good and right. Therefore he prospered.

Righteousness is its own reward. But it seems that prosperity of one sort or another follows the righteous person. Prosperity is not always financial; frequently it takes the form of spiritual well-being and contentment.

The wealth of the Christian is the favor of the Lord. It is the knowledge that God is always in control of whatever circumstances may be around us. For our God is compassionate and forgiving to those who love and serve Him.

Father, God,

Keep us ever mindful that our life, our hope, and our prosperity is to be found only in You. Help us to purify our temples for Your service.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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