Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sowing And Reaping

Focus verses: Ezekiel 22:17-31

This oracle from the Lord promises more winnowing and retribution for the children of Israel. God is sending an unsheathed sword (Babylonia) to destroy the land and the peoples.

God enumerates all the sins of Israel in verses one through sixteen of chapter twenty-two. Then he tells Ezekiel what will happen to the people of Israel and Judah. The litany of her sins continues with priests doing violence to the law and profaning the holy things. Then He says in verse 29:

The people of the land practice extortion and commit robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the alien, denying them justice.

There was not a single man who would stand in the gap so that the wrath of God would not be poured out on the city and the people. They sowed iniquity; they will reap the wrath of God.

Where are we? Are we standing in the gap? Do we protest injustice when we see it? Do we rise up in righteous indignation about the mistreatment of the poor and down trodden? Where is our gap-stander?

Could our nation withstand the wrath of God? I think not.l We need to be petitioning the Father at all times. we should be on the lookout to take what measure we can to avoid even the similitude of indifference to injustice. We should take up the banner, hold it high, and march forward in the knowledge of God's graciousness to us.

Father, God,

Thank You for being there for us when we most need You. We are grateful that Your righteousness is what matters here. And we ask Your divine hand on the entirety of our circumstances. Heal the brokenhearted and call those in the darkness forth into Your beautiful light.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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