God's prophets are not always accepted and respected by the people. Jeremiah is a prime example. But God is never far from those He has called and is working behind the scenes for their good.
I find it interesting that King Zedekiah inquires of Jeremiah and then asks Jeremiah to keep their conversation secret. In fact, he orders Jeremiah to lie for him. And Jeremiah does as he is told.
Life does get complicated. But the key to un-complicating life lies in verse twenty.
Obey the Lord by doing what I tell you. Then it will go well with you and your life will be spared.Obey the Lord. Three little words that will guarantee success in any undertaking. Obey the Lord.
We don't always have a Jeremiah around to interpret for us. Sometimes obedience seems complicated because we are not sure we know what the Lord would have us do.
The answer is simple. Check out the scriptures. If what you are contemplating lines up with the known will of God as revealed in the scriptures, you can be pretty sure that's the will of the Lord.
Father, God,
Open our ears to hear Your voice so that we may be quick to obey. Grant us the assurance that You will lead us and not let us be led astray into disobedience.
In Jesus' most precious name.
"Check out the scriptures." My friend at http://seaglassreflections is crying out for help and asking for scripture. Would you drop by and read the post called, "Please Help" and share prayers and GOD's word with her. I know your post today was NO coincidence.
Thank you, andrea
I wrote her a letter. You'll get a copy. When I scanned the comments already there, I didn't want to duplicate the effort of others. If you know her personally, please encourage her to correspond with me. I do some counseling as well as teaching.
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