Monday, July 6, 2009

Empty Worship

Focus verse: Isaiah 29:13

Many people in this country attend church regularly. If the door is open, they are there. We tend to assume that people who are actively working in church are somehow super spiritual.

That isn't necessarily the case. This verse should bring us to examine our motives and our hearts.

These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men. (v.13)

What constitutes a heart of worship? Where does God rate in our schedules and our scheme of things? Is He, in fact, first? Or is He just an afterthought?

When do we seek Him? Daily? Hourly? Moment by moment? Or do we just call upon him when we have come to the end of our selves and need emergency intervention?

God tells us specifically that He doesn't care about the trappings of worship, that worship is an attitude of the heart. Only when our hearts long for Him above all else can we worship in spirit and in truth.

Father, God, Fan the flames of hunger for You in our hearts. Show us that seeking You, Your face and heart, not just Your helping hand, is the way to eternal contentment.
In Jesus' most precious name. Amen.


Wendy said...

During this time of unemployment, I have had many opportunities to "examine" my heart. On the days my unemployment check is deposited am I seeking God's presence as much as on the days when I have bills due and there's no money available to me? What motivates my praise? What He's done or who He is? My desire is to seek Him every second of everyday.

Judith Robl said...


Well said. Thanks for your input.