Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Divided Heart

Focus verses: II Chronicles 13:1-21, and I Kings 15:3-5

The story of Abijah is a sad tale. But it is our tale as well. When he is in the throes of battle, he invokes the name of the Lord. He serves God when it suits his purposes.

When he had grown in strength -- that is after God had bailed him out of his troubles -- he committed all the sins of his father. Get this: "because his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God."

You see, with God it's all or nothing! You cannot be partially devoted to the Lord and partially devoted to the things of this world.

We have a lot of Christians like Abijah. There are a lot of us who sit in church and say the proper words and do the expected things and call upon God when times are tough. But when times are better, we seem to forget our total dependence upon God.

We fall for the lie that we can do it ourselves. Hogwash! Without God we can do nothing!

There is a world of difference between the nominal Christian who thinks he loves God but doesn't rely on Him and the committed Christian who knows he is totally dependent upon God for every breath.

So which are you? Are you totally aware of your complete dependence upon God? Do you consult with Him many times a day? Are you satisfied with fifteen minutes of Bible reading each morning and grace before meals? How closely can you walk with God?

Father, God,

Help us to see that You are our all in all. Keep us close under Your guiding hand and draw us ever closer in our walk with You.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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