Today's reading shows us the third prophet in this time frame. Micah is prophesying the same message that Amos and Isaiah have been prophesying. God wants obedience and righteousness from the people, not empty forms of worship.
But today's reading also talks about preachers and prophets. Micah has just told the people that their sins of covetousness and greed will bring heavy judgment upon them. Then he says:
"If a liar and deceiver comes and says, 'I will prophesy for you plenty...' he would be just the prophet for this people!"
Suddenly I see a number of people who preach a gospel of wealth and prosperity, a name it and claim it gospel. Micah has just said they are false prophets.
We live in a time when communication is universal and immediate. Television and radio bring words from one side of the world to the other in moments, not months. People seem pressed for time because they occupy themselves with recreation and entertainment, not the study of God and His word. Therefore, people are deluded by the ear-tickling messages of these false prophets.
In Second Timothy we are enjoined to study the word of truth, to explain it correctly, to live it rightly. (Paraphrased by me.)
Unless we study the word of God diligently, we will be led astray by those who tickle our ears with half-truths for their own gain.
Father, God,
Help us to study Your word diligently so that we know Your voice and are not led astray by those who would tell us pleasant lies to our destruction.
In Jesus' most precious name.
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