Thursday, June 4, 2009


Focus verses: I Kings 17:1-17

When you are a servant of God, He provides for your needs. That doesn't mean that you can sit on your duff and be waited upon like royalty, but it does mean that God will provide.

Sometimes He does it supernaturally like He did for Elijah with the ravens at the brook of Kerith. Sometimes he does it through the hands of other people, like the widow of Zarephath. But the widow had no means to supply Elijah with food. She offered from her lack and the Lord provided with plenty.

Sometimes we forget that God is our source of all supply. We take it upon ourselves to think that we can be our own be all and end all. That is an arrogance Christians can ill afford.

We worry about all kinds of things, when things are not the place where our hearts should be. We need to test our trust in the Lord.

That doesn't mean that we can be cavalier about providing for ourselves. We need to have gainful employment of some nature. We need to be seeking to provide for ourselves. But we can't be obsessed about it. We need to rely on God to provide our opportunities for service.

Father, God,

Help us to remember, moment by moment, that You are our source of all things. Life, breath, salvation, joy, sustenance -- all of it come from You alone. Keep us ever grateful for Your generosity.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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