Job's friend, Bildad, argues that since God is just, there must be some reason Job is undergoing this trial. So Job must have brought this on himself. But if Job will just humble himself and turn back to God, God will accept him again and restore him.
But Job knows what Bildad does not - that he has done nothing to bring this upon himself. He speaks of the difference between God and man. And then he asks for someone to bridge the gap between God and himself.
He is asking for the Messiah. Without knowing it, he has asked God to send Jesus to earth. The function of Christ was to die for all sin, to become the bridge between God and man, to be the arbiter or advocate at the throne of God for those who believe on Him.
You see, Satan is still before the throne of God, accusing the faithful. And he is still throwing things into our lives that would discourage us, defeat us, make us unfit to serve the King of Kings.
But Christ is also there. When Satan brings up an offense, Jesus says to the Father "I covered that at the cross. That debt is all paid."
We are not like Job. Although we may never understand the reasons for the things that befall us, we have the arbiter, the advocate that Job was seeking. We can confidently draw near the throne of God because of Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf.
Father, God,
We thank You for Your gift of Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Keep us ever faithful in following His footsteps to Your throne.
In Jesus' most precious name.
1 comment:
Thank you for posting this article. There are far too many people who are "told" it is there fault when they know in their hearts that they have not done anything to cause the pain they are in.
Blessings, andrea
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