During the rebuilding of the temple, God spoke to Zechariah again, to encourage the builders and to set forth some simpler goals for the people.
The pivotal question here is why do you feast or fast? Are you fasting unto the Lord, or are you doing it from selfish motive. Are you feasting in the joy of the Lord, or is it because that is the expected thing, so you do it grumbling?
The motive for any action is as important as the deed itself. When you give to the church, do you give expecting a return? Or do you give for the use of the Lord without thought of recompense? Do you do something just because the Lord says to? Or do you do it because the Lord promises a reward if you do?
When the motive for any action is to please the Lord - regardless of consequence - then the temple of your life is restored to God's original design.
Look at what He asks of you. Administer justice, show mercy, Do not oppress the less fortunate. Do not think evil of one another. Two commands to do. Two commands to don't. That should be simple enough. But why do you do these things? Because He said so. That's why.
Only when our hearts are restored to complete obedience will we be restored totally to the Lord.
Father, God,
Grant us the keen ears to hear Your voice and the humility of heart to obey instantaneously. We thank You for the saving work of Jesus on the Cross. Keep us ever mindful of our total dependence upon You.
In Jesus' most precious name.
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