Friday, September 25, 2009

Favor With Man

Focus verses: Ezra 5:6-6:17

The political climate around the children of Israel was in some upheaval. Rulers had changed, and the new rulers did not know that it was Cyrus' decree that the temple should be rebuilt.

Instead, they looked to the instigating letters of some troublesome people and halted the construction. When the government says "don't do" this or that, it generally behooves us to obey the edicts of the government.

But the children of Israel didn't stop there. While they halted their work (temporarily), they promptly petitioned the King Darius to look into the archives and honor the decree of King Cyrus. When the king found the decree of Cyrus, he issued a further decree setting forth the penalty for those who would continue to hinder the work of the temple.

When man tries to hinder the work of God, he places himself in jeopardy. But you will notice that the people of Israel didn't do anything against the enemies hindering them. They petitioned the king. It was he who set forth the penalty for interference.

We need to petition the KIng of Kings when things are not going well for our God-given projects. It is He who will grant us favor with man to continue the work. We simply need to move the battle into God's arena.

Father, God,

Remind us always that favor with You can lead to favor with man. Keep us ever faithful to the tasks You have set before us.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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