Friday, February 20, 2009


Focus verses: Leviticus 16:29-34

Today's reading in the Chronological Bible gives us the three major feasts of the Jewish calendar, one minor fest, and one day of fasting prescribed by the Lord for His people.

The Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur is the only day of fast that God provided. Atonement for the sins of the people must be made one each year by the high priest. And this is an everlasting ordinance for Israel.

We have no such day in our calendar now. Jesus did on the cross what was prescribed for the people of Israel on the Day of Atonement. He made atonement once and for all, for one and all.

Because of His sacrifice, we have the option to take our sins directly to the Lord for forgiveness, not just once a year, but once an hour if needed. And some of us need it that often.

We need to keep short accounts with God where sin and confession are concerned. The moment we realize that we have sinned, we need to go to the throne, contrite, repentant, and begging forgiveness. And we are assured that forgiveness.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (Paraphrased from John.)

Father, God,

Keep us ever mindful and sensitive to those things we do which offend You. Give us the grace and wisdom to come to You immediately, contritely, to confess and seek Your forgiveness and restoration.
In Jesus' most precious name.


Genesis Three said...

I'm a little confused. Yom Kippur is in the Autumn, yet this post shows a date in Late Winter. Tu b'Shevat was a couple of weeks ago and Purim is in about a month. Did you mean to mention one of those?

Judith Robl said...

The date of this post is related to the readings in the Chronological Bible, not the liturgical calendar.

This is the date that we're reading the establishment of the feasts and this fast.

In 2009, Yom Kippur begins at sundown on September 27.