Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Confession Is Good For The Soul

Focus verses: Psalm 32

Did you ever keep a guilty secret? Were you in constant fear of being found out?

David knows how you feel. Listen to his descriptions. I kept silent and my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. A guilty secret eaats at your inmost being.

David knows the heaviness of God's hand upon him. His little escapade with Bathsheba put him aat odds with the Lord. When he discovered that illicit liason had produced a child he connived first to deceive Uriah and then to have him killed.

But David realized that his sin was against God and confessed that and was restored.

When we find our selfes distant from God, we need to examine ourselves - and make confession - and be restored to His good graces.

Father, God,

Help us to keep short accounts with our consciences and with you. Be quick to show us the errors of our ways so that we can confess our sins and be reconciled to you.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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