Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Lamp of the Lord

Focus verse: Proverbs 20:27

The lamp of the Lord searches the spirit of a man;
it searches out his inmost being.

In Genesis, the opening of creation is God's "let there be light." it is not only the beginning of creation, it is the beginning of our understanding of ourselves.

When we allow God to shine the light of His love into the dark corners of our hearts, we learn what we've hidden there. Sometimes we find our sins - of omission or commission - that we've left un-repented. And seeing them, we are given the opportunity to repent and set things right.

Sometimes we find the dregs of discouragement or disillusionment. In the light of God's love we can see them for what they are - temporary setbacks designed to grow our faith and patience muscles.

Occasionally we find the scars of hurts and injuries we've suffered in the past. Perhaps they are inflamed and swollen because we've not completely forgiven the offender, but simply stuffed the emotions. God's light can help us to see the offender through His eyes - as a beloved child who has strayed.

When we cooperate with God's investigation of our spirit, we are enriched. He doesn't search our hearts to be informed. He searches our hearts to inform us.

Father, God,

Shine the light of Your love in my heart today. Help me to see those things that You would have me see and to correct those things You would have me correct.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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