Monday, May 25, 2009

The Ideal Woman

Focus verses: Proverbs 31:10-31

If you are a woman, these verses are either an encouragement or a stumbling block. You can beat your head against a brick wall, trying to do and be all these things under your own power. Or you can rely on the Lord to help you become this woman of worth.

God doesn't set a task before us that is impossible to accomplish to frustrate us. He sets these tasks to teach us to rely on Him for all things.

There is a difference between the nominal Christian, who simply believes in God but tries to do everything under his own power, and the committed Christian who is consciously dependent upon God for every breath.

When you realize that you have come to the end of yourself, it is time to rely on God. The wise person realizes in the first place that he or she is inadequate to the task at hand and turns to the Lord immediately.

My grandmother used to say "before all else fails, read the instructions." Before you try everything else, ask God. He wants you to come to Him for the least things as well as for the huge issues. When you consult Him before any action, the action you take has a greater chance of success.

Father, God,

Help us to remember that without You, we are less than nothing. You are responsible for our every breath. Keep us aware of our dependence on You that we may not fail in our tasks.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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