Monday, February 23, 2009

The Blessing

Focus verses: Numbers 6:22-27

Today's reading begins with the details of offerings for sin and for the Sabbath and monthly offerings. And it ends with a familiar blessing. The Lord bless thee and keep thee. You know the rest.

In our reading, I believe this is the first time that God has instructed the priests to bless the children of Israel. And he gave them a specific form to use in that blessing.

The Lord bless thee -- not I bless you - or just bless you -- like when someone sneezes. When we are blessing someone, we are to acknowledge that only the Lord can bless them.

Whatever the occasion, the Lord is the giver of all blessings, and we need to acknowledge that. In fact, the Lord is the be all and end all in every situation. Too often we forget that He is all-knowing, that He has made provision for every circumstance that can befall us.

We will learn a little later along the way, that He has plans for us, plans for our benefit, not our harm. This blessing foreshadows those plans.

Father, God,

Help us to remember that You taught the Israelite priests to bless the people because that blessing is Your will for them. And by extension, it is also Your will for us.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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