The Israelites set out at the blast of the trumpet. The tribes lead out in the order they encamp. Those from the east, followed by the tribes on the south, followed by the Levites, then the tribes on the west with those on the north being the read guard.
They camp when the cloud comes to rest and move when it lifts. But they are on the road only when God indicates they should move. Moses acknowledges the Lord's leading with these words: Rise up, O Lord. May Your enemies be scattered, may Your foes flee before You.
The Lord went before the Israelites, and they moved in safety.
We, however, are known for running ahead of the Lord. We have these goals and ambitions. They may be God-given, but we are in a hurry for their completion.
When the cloud rested upon the Tent of Meeting, the Israelites sat and waited. They didn't know -- didn't need to know -- why the Lord waited. They simply waited for the cloud to lift and the Lord to move.
Too often, we let our ambitions and goals move us ahead of the Lord's plans. Then we wonder why the job gets botched. Only when the Lord goes before the clans are His enemies scattered and fleeing before them.
Father, God,
Give us the wisdom to wait upon Your timing. Help us to curb our impatience and realize that Your plans are perfect, Your timing precise. Grant us the patience to wait upon You.
In Jesus' most precious name.
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