Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Royal Priesthood

Focus verses: Leviticus 9:24 - 10:6

God is all-powerful. He demonstrated it by bringing the Israelites our of Egypt through the sea. He showed it in the pillars of cloud and fire. He revealed His glory in the Temple and consumed the offering with divine fire.

But when the sons of Aaron used unauthorized fire in the censors, God consumed them with that same divine fire.

When one is a minister to the Lord, he is held to a higher standard than those who do not approach the altar. And for him, scrupulous obedience is necessary.

Wait a minute. Because of Jesus, we no longer sacrifice as the Israelites did. We no longer have a priest who annually disappears behind the veil into the Holy of Holies to make atonement for our sins.

Jesus did that once and for all on the cross at Calvary. Not behind a veil, but in full view of all the crowd. And as He gave up his human life, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom.

Because of what He did for us, we can each approach the throne of God. From the most dedicated cleric to the humblest layman, we are all priests to God.

What an awesome thought! And what a fearful responsibility!

Father, God,

Thank You for sending the Messiah to atone for us. Keep us ever vigilant to Your word and obedient to Your instructions.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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