Friday, February 27, 2009

The King

Focus verses: Deuteronomy 17:14-20

God knows the hearts of men before they know themselves. He knew His people would look around and the other countries and want a king just like their neighbors. So he gave them some standards for the selection and conduct of a king.

They are not to choose independently. They are to choose the man whom God selects as king. This king is not to use his position for the acquisition of wealth. And he is most surely to remember that he serves under the law. He is to uphold the law as laid down by God.

We have just been through the choosing of a leader. We call him president, not king. But the function is much the same. He has the responsibility of all the people upon his shoulders.

He should not be using the office to acquire wealth for himself. He is not to let his heart be led astray. (This doesn't have to come from having multiple wives. He might be seduced by publicity and power.) And he must be looking to the law as the ultimate authority under God.

This is a heavy burden for any one man. Because he holds his office with the permission of God, we as citizens should spend much time in prayer for the man whom God has chosen as king/president.

Father, God,

We ask your blessing on the president. Open his ears and his heart to hear Your voice and do as You would have him do. Keep us in prayer, always, for our country and its leaders.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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