Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Danger Of Thinking

Focus verses: 1 Samuel 18:6-11

David was Saul's servant, living in his household, playing the harp to sooth the fits that came upon him, serving in his army as a warrior. David did nothing to vaunt himself over Saul except to do his duty diligently.

But David's exploits gained him fame with the people, and Saul became jealous. Saul wanted to be the center of attention. He didn't realize that God's spirit had left him in favor of David. God had already decided that David would be king.

Saul's problem began with the big "I". Remember two days ago, when in the reading Saul decided he'd do as he thought, not as the Lord told him. That arrogance that led Saul to believe that he could supercede the Lord's commands was akin to the arrogance on which the serpent played when he tempted Eve to taste the forbidden fruit.

When we substitute "I think" for "the Lord said" we are on shaky ground. We tend to forget that God is infinite, and we are finite. He knows all things; we only know what we can see.

Years ago, I was taught that "JOY" stood for Jesus first, others second, yourself last. It is still a good frame of mind in which to work. If God is first in our lives, we will serve Him, not ourselves. Putting Him first is the pathway to a joy that cannot be stolen.

Father, God,

Save us from "I" trouble. Help us to keep our eyes focused on You. Grant that our obedience to you may be a channel of Your love to all your hurting creation. Convict us of our arrogance and keep us humble.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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