The readings from April thus far have chronicled the enmity Saul had for David, and David's escape to various parts of the countryside. But today we see the tables have been turned.
David had hidden deep in a cave when Saul came to use that same cave as a shelter. It seemed that the Lord had delivered Saul into David's hands. But David did Saul no harm. Instead he took a piece of Saul's cloak. When Saul left the cave, David came out of his hiding place and made his presence known. He used the piece of Saul's garment as evidence of his lack of malice toward Saul.
His fidelity to Saul, despite Saul's persecution of him, stemmed from the fact that Saul was still God's anointed king of Israel. Saul's position came from God. David was acutely aware of that fact, and he was willing to bide his time until the Lord should put the crown of Israel on his head.
We would do well to emulate David. He knew that he was to be king at some point, but he was willing to wait upon the Lord's timing for the event.
Too often, we know -- or think we know -- the plans God has for our lives, but we are unwilling to wait upon His timing. Even when circumstances are not unpleasant or even dangerous as they were for David, we grow impatient.
Father, God,
Help us to put our lives into Your perspective. Show us the vision You have for our lives and teach us the patience to wait upon Your timing.
In Jesus' most precious name.
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