Monday, April 20, 2009

Familiar Territory

Focus verses: Psalm 23

David's psalms are beautiful, but this is probably the most familiar. It teaches you a lot of theology by describing God as a shepherd.

"The Lord is my shepherd." Notice that He is MY shepherd. He is personal to me. This is a one on one relationship.

"I shall not want." He is able and willing to fulfill my every need.

Green pastures are areas of abundance and peace. Still waters allow the sheep to drink without the possibility of drowning. Restoration of the soul gives one the ability to rejoice anew.

Heeding and obeying His commandments will keep us from doing evil. No matter where we are, His constant presence reassures us that He is sovereign. When all the world seems to be against us, He provides whatever we need. He adopts us as His children, children of the King.

His presence in our lives is our abundance and provision. Now and always. We are His forever.

Father, God,
Thank you for being our total provision at all times and in all circumstances. Grant that we, like sheep, may hear and follow only the Shepherd's voice.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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