Monday, April 6, 2009

A House Divided

Focus verses: 2 Samuel 2:1-10

Life is messy. Even when things are progressing toward fulfilling God's plans, man generally finds a way to complicate the issue.

The nation of Israel had been divided into two nations: Israel and Judah. David was make king over Judah, but God had anointed him to be king over all Israel.

Today's reading encompasses the seven plus years from David's coronation in Judah to his being crowned king of Israel. The passage chronicles a civil war between the house of Saul and David. Filled with treachery murder and revenge, it seems like chaos reigns.

Even when circumstances look bad, God is in control. Our sovereign God gave man free will, so we can mess things up royally, but He will see His plans come to fruition.

David did one thing right. He sought the Lord's counsel before undertaking any actions. He was constantly mindful of God's authority and God's presence. In another place, he is called a man after God's own heart. David sought the heart of God and was content to wait until God brought about His plans.

Father, God,

Imbue us with a hunger for Your heart. Keep us seeking to know You better, to know Your will in all our lives. Grant us the patience to wait upon Your timing, to be content to let You have Your way in our lives.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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