Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do Not Neglect Counsel

Focus verses: Joshua 9:3-15

In taking the land, God had gone before the Israelites and given them the victory both at Jericho and Ai. So when these strangers came from "a far land," Joshua made treaty with them.

Joshua made this treaty in his own power and his own judgment. He didn't inquire of the Lord. Had he inquired of the Lord, he most likely would have been told not to make the treaty. But once the treaty was made, he had to honor it. Never mind that the Gibeonites sued for the treaty with lies and deception.

Once you have made a vow before the Lord, you are to honor it, whether it is detrimental to your own interests or not. If you do not honor it, you have insulted God because you called Him to witness your oath.

Before making a commitment, we need to inquire of God. He has a vision for our lives, and if we ask, He will share some of that vision with us at the appropriate times. Finding God's vision for our lives should be a priority. His people perish for want of a vision. Let that vision be God's.

Father, God,

Help us to remember to consult You at all times. Keep us ever mindful of our need of Your counsel above all others. And grant us the ears to hear and the wisdom to obey.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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