Monday, March 9, 2009

In Memoriam

Focus verses: Deuteronomy 24:10-12

The death of Moses is the end of an era for the children of Israel. Joshua has been installed as leader by the laying on of hands. But the verses we focus on today are Moses' epitaph.

Imagine speaking face to face with God. At some point we will see Him face to face, and speak with Him one on one. But Moses did it while he was here. He was used mightily of God and showed God's awesome and awful power to the Egyptians and Israelites alike.

We can come close to this kind of relationship with God. But it requires that we seek Him above all else, that all our desires and aspirations be laid on the altar of God's will, that all our relationships be subject to His scrutiny, that all our actions align with His commandments.

Whew! That's a tall order. And we are incapable of fulfilling it by ourselves. We need Him. We need His Holy Spirit to shine God's light on our circumstances, so that we can see the world around us as He sees it.

So think about your own epitaph. Will they say of you that you knew God?

Father, God,

Help us to clear our minds and hearts of all the extraneous things that would pull our attention away from You. Grant us the singleness of mind and heart to seek You above all else.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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