Friday, March 13, 2009

Promises Kept

Focus verses: Joshua 14: 6-15

Back in the days when Israel was wondering in the desert, Moses sent spies to look at the land that God was giving the Israelites. They all came back trembling in their boots. All, that is, except for Joshua and Caleb. And Caleb was promised the land where his feet had trod to spy out the land.

Forty-five years later, Caleb was still a vigorous man, and he claimed the promise from the days of old. Joshua saw to it that the hill country around Hebron was given to Caleb.

Caleb received his reward -- forty-five years later. God's clock is not set to our time table. He will honor His promises in due time. But He gets to decide the time; we don't.

Are you looking for God's promise today? Is there something you know that you have been promised in God's word that you don't see in physical manifestation yet? Be assured that God will make good on that promise. But sometimes, His timing seems off to us.

We wait, seemingly in vain, for the promise to appear. But God is strengthening our patience muscle, and He tarries. When the promise is fulfilled, we may learn that something else had to happen before we could realize the promise. God is concerned not only about us, but also about those whose lives we touch.

Father, God,

Help us wait patiently upon your timing. Show us the circumstances from Your point of view, and keep us from violating Your promise with our impatience.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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