Saturday, April 25, 2009

Eternal Security

Focus verses: Psalm 123

When we think of help coming from a foreign source, we need to think of the Lord first. He is the one who's power is sufficient for all things.

Who can stand against the wrath of the Lord? Which of my enemies can best the Lord?

What more could we want than to have the creator of the universe on our side? His vigilance is eternal. He's never away from the desk or phone. His help for us is as near as our next breath.

He won't let us fall. He won't even let our foot slip. Nothing in nature can harm us. Nothing man can do will hurt us. For God Himself is our savior.

He watches our every move, to keep us secure in all things - at all times. His vigilance for us is unceasing and eternal. Our lives are secure in Him.

So why should we worry about anything. After all, worry is praying to the wrong god.

Father, God,

Thank You for the reassurance that You are concerned with our lives, our comings and goings, and our petty affairs. Thank You for keeping us safe in You.
In Jesus' most precious name.

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